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Tipo de material: Artículo
Título : Parameters of pubertal growth spurt in children an adolescents living at high altitude in Peru
Autor : Sanchez Macedo, Lucila
Vidal Espinoza, Rubén
Minango Negrete, Juan
Vaz Ronque, Enio
Castelli Correia de Campos, Luis Felipe
Fuentes López, José
Vargas Ramos, Eliseny
Rivera Portugal, Margot
Cossio Bolaños, Marco
Gomez Campos, Rossana
Descriptores : Adolescencia
Zona rural
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Editorial : Jornal de Pediatria
Citación : Sanchez, L., Vidal, R., Minango, J., Vaz, E., Castelli, L., Fuentes, J., Vargas, E., Rivera, M., Cossio, M., Gomez, R. (2024). Parameters of pubertal growth spurt in children an adolescents living at high altitude in Peru. Jornal de Pediatria. Volumen 100, (número 2). páginas: 189-195
Acceso: Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Resumen : Objectives: The aim was to estimate the pubertal growth height of children and adolescents living in a high-altitude region of Peru using the Preece-Baines model 1 (1PB). Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in school children from the department of Puno (Peru) between 3841 and 3874 masl. The age range was between 4 and 17years. Standing height was evaluated. 1 PB was used to infer the mathematical and biological parameters of stature. Results: Mathematical parameters estimated by the 1PB model reflected small residual standard error (RSE) values in both sexes (0.25 in boys and 0.27 in girls). In boys, the age at which peak velocity was reached (APHV) was estimated at 13.21+- 0.33 years. While in girls it was 9.96 + - 0.26 years (p<0.05). In general, girls reached APHV (y) 3.25 years earlier than boys. On the other hand, the growth velocity of maximum height [APHV(cm/y)] of boys was higher (6.33 + - 6.06 cm / y) relative to girls (6.06 + - 0.32cm / y). Estimated final adult height (EFAH) in boys was reached at 166.020 + -0.99 cm and height at maximum growth velocity (HPHV) was 153.07 + - 0.67cm, while in girls they were significantly lower (EFAH;153.74 + - 0.44 cm and HPHV:139.73 + -0.84cm). Conclusions: This study showed that girls living in Puno at a high altitude in Peru reached APHV 3 years earlier than boys and at the same time reflected slower PHV. These results suggest that pubertal growth at high altitudes is slower in both sexes and especially in girls. Thus, modeling physical growth may be an important step in understanding the onset of puberty at different latitudes.
URI : https://repositorio.ister.edu.ec//handle/68000/269
ISSN : 0021-7557
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos, Año 2024

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